Terms and Conditions

Transfer.hr is property of Top Travel, company for transportation, owner Dario Bakota, address Gaminica 18, 21251 Zrnovnica, Split, Croatia. We are licensed passenger transportation company located in Split, Croatia. Terms and Conditions are rules between Transfer.hr and the Passenger.

Obligation of Company is transport passengers and their luggage safe and comfortable with arranged destination and the client will pay for that service. Transfer confirmation is contract for arranged service and it could be printed on paper or electronically available to see for driver of company. Vehicle is standard car, minivan, minibus or coach witch is designed for passenger transportation. Transfer could be single transfer witch includes one way transportation to location or return transfer with return trip on specified date, time and location of pick up or excursion.

If the client refuses to pay for the service company have full right to charge clients credit card or report client to police. In the case when the client did not come at arranged place at agreed time, full amount will be charged. Passenger obligation is to fill correct details like place and time of pick up during the booking process. Case when company is directly responsible for the delay refund will be paid only for the transfer amount. Client should have mind that they have to be at the airport two hours before flight and traffic jams are usual at summer season in Croatia. Passenger have to be at the place of pick up minutes before transfer and check with driver correct details before drive. Smoking, drinking alcohol or taking drugs is forbidden in the vehicle and if driver noticed any activity like that transfer will be canceled and charged in full amount. Behavior to the driver and vehicle have to be pleasant and all damages on the vehicle will be charged.

The complaint can be submitted to the official e-mail or company address and customer is forbidden for make public statements before company final response. Company have right to cancel transfer in case or communication error without refund but with notice to the customer.

Standard luggage for one passenger is two suitcases with maximum 25kg of weight per item. Animals could be transported in appropriate carrier.

All terms and conditions could be changed by policy of company.

Split, Croatia, 2024. Transfer.hr